Improving Agricultural Market Performance:
Creation and Development of Market Institutions
3.3.4 Copyright & Trademark
While some Member Countries (particularly the larger, more established markets) do
specifically have copyright and trademark protections in place, the items covered by this
protection varies. Brand and trade names and usually covered to some degree, but
formulations and processing may not be. Items that are commonly not covered, even when
copyright and trademark protections are otherwise in place include plan varieties and hybrids.
This is of particular importance when considering genetically modified crops.
3.3.5 Trade Regulations & Procedures
Trade regulations and procedures, for instance, are also a part of the legislative or regulatory
framework of agricultural markets. There may be additional certifications required to ensure
that the imported food or agricultural products comply with the nation’s laws. For example,
Pakistan requires that:
Importation is in accordance with regulations and the item(s) are not on the negative
The terms and conditions of importation are specified in the letter of credit.
Imports of plants and animals have the necessary approval from the Ministry of Food
and Food Security and Research.
Imports of livestock genetics must have the necessary clearance from the Ministry of
National Food Security and Research.
Pakistan currently does not allow imports of cattle from countries with reported cases
of BSE, which includes the US along with several other countries.
Countries may impose trade restrictions on import or export volumes (in some cases with
specific countries), they can attempt to make domestic goods more competitive by imposing
tariffs on imported food and agricultural products, or seek to promote more open borders
through trade agreements. Policy can even enact subsidies in order to help control food
commodity prices, thereby influencing the trade competitiveness of agricultural products.
3.3.6 Other
Several countries also include regulations outside of the framework above. The largest
component of these at present is the discussion regarding genetically modified (GM) products.
Afghanistan for example asserts that it does not have current regulations regarding genetically
modified food, due to the simple fact that it lacks the research and testing capabilities
necessary to ascertain the safety of such foods. Rather than relying on other nations’ testing or
banning such foods outright, many currently permit the importation of GM crops and feed
without additional restriction or authorization process.
Table 1shows an overview of the regulations concerning GM products. It classifies various
Fully Restricted – GM foods are banned from both domestic production and