Improving Agricultural Market Performance
Creation and Development of Market Institutions
Organization's products; iii. Market the products of the Organization inside the
Kingdom; iv. Purchase grains and maintain reserve stocks to meet emergency
needs; v. Implement Government agriculture policies. GSFMO was replaced in
2015 by the Saudi Arabian Grains Organization (SAGO) whose mandates
remain the same in the near term but which has bundled the mills into four
companies, each of which will be privatized. SAGO will become the industry
regulator, responsible for quality standards and competition.
3.2.3 National Agricultural Research Organizations
Research laboratories form another key foundation for enhancing safety, supporting
innovation and otherwise nurturing a well-functioning agricultural sector. In some countries
these are independent agencies, while in others they are attached to the Ministry of
Agriculture. Some are focused on technical research (seed and plant varieties, animal health,
etc.) and education, while others are more concerned with policy advocacy.
In some countries, research and education organizations are independent agencies, while in
others they are attached to the Ministry of Agriculture. Some are focused on technical research
(seed and plant varieties, animal health, etc.) and education, while others are more concerned
with policy advocacy.
Tunisia’s Observatoire National de l’Agriculture (ONAGRI), attached to the Ministry of
Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fisheries, has the following mandates: i. to put in
place a national information system to analyze the national and international situation
of agriculture and fisheries, based on reliable and current data; ii. To disseminate data,
information, and analysis to decision-makers, planners, researchers, producers, and
The Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), is the apex national organization,
which works with other federal and provincial institutions to provide science-based
agriculture solutions. PARC has five technical divisions: Plant Sciences, Animal
Sciences, Social Sciences, Natural Resources, and Agricultural Engineering, and two
services divisions: Finance and Coordination & Monitoring. PARC operates ten
research centers throughout the country and collaborates with provincial research
3.2.4 Development Organizations & Donors
There is a tremendous variety of Development organizations, donors, and NGOs in the agro-
food sector, which range from smallholder producer association and cooperatives to
associations like Senegal’s Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux, an
apex organization, whose 26 member organizations include producers’ and cooperative
associations in agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, livestock, and forestry, and generalist
associations like the Federation of Senegalese NGOs, the National Cooperatives Union, and the
National Federation of Women’s Associations.
The purpose of these development organizations and donors is generally twofold:
To develop and reinforce members’ capacities and provide market information; and
To advocate for policies favorable to the agro-food sector.