as a percent in Morocco in the respective period. There were significant decreases in the
Iraq’s agricultural incomes in GDP as a percent in 1995 and 2000 and it has not reached
the level of 1990. Although there has been continuous decrease in the United Arabia
Emirates’ agricultural incomes in GDP as a percent since 2000, it has been constant in
the same periods. Agricultural incomes in GDP of Arabic Countries have increased
continuously and this increase was approximately 65% in 2010 (Annex 2).
Asian Group
The share of agricultural GDP in total was less than 1% in Albania, Azerbaijan,
Brunei, Kyrgyz Republic, Maldives, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Guyana and Suriname.
However, in Turkey and Indonesia, agriculture has more than 10% share in total
domestic products.
Although there were declines in the share of agricultural GDP of Turkey and
Pakistan, there had been general increase in agricultural incomes as an amount since
2000 except for 2010 (Annex 2).
In addition, there was an increase in Indonesia, Iran and Malaysia’s agricultural
incomes share as a percentage in 2010 compared to the previous periods.
At this Group level, agricultural incomes declined in 2000 while it increased by
approximately 42.5% and 95% in the years of 2005 and 2010 respectively compared to
the previous years (Annex 2).