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Risk Management in

Islamic Financial Instruments


international financial transactions is one potential solution for fostering more integrated

Islamic markets.

Major obstacles for creating more integrated markets are cross-border differences in markets

and regulations. For example, differences in taxation, accounting standards, disclosure

requirements, and other regulatory discrepancies make it difficult to establish standardized

international markets. Consequently, a main goal in developing more integrated markets is to

encourage consistent regulatory policies across international borders. International

cooperation in developing uniform international standards and regulations with regards to

Islamic financial products will allow the international Islamic financial markets and

institutions to become more prominent and efficient.

As countries strive to achieve the goals of providing more robust international Islamic financial

markets and regulatory standards, the development of regional working groups can play a key

role. Economies often develop important trade relationships with other counties in the region,

such as the European Union and ASEAN region. These countries often share common legal,

regulatory, and economic systems, and, therefore, develop important trade relationships. From

an Islamic finance perspective, establishing regional working groups along these lines can help

to integrate financial markets and grow the Islamic finance industry. By working together to

standardize financial products and regulations, these regions can help to foster more

integrated and efficient international markets for Islamic financial products. In addition,

regional working groups can also work together to share knowledge and develop industry best

practices with regards to Islamic financial institutions. This type of cooperation can help foster

efficiency and growth of the Islamic finance industries among the member countries.

Finally, a major goal of the international Islamic finance community is to encourage access to

and the growth of new markets for Islamic financial products. Developing integrated markets

for Islamic products, standardizing international regulations, and establishing cross-border

working groups all help to integrate the market for Islamic financial products and promote

new market growth. Integrated, standardized markets allow for smaller, less-developed

countries to gain access to the international marketplace. As a result, the international

community of Islamic finance can help encourage the growth of Islamic finance in emerging

markets, which can help to promote emerging market economic growth and alleviate poverty.

6.9.7 Enhance the Role of Islamic Finance in Promoting Economic Growth


Islamic finance can also play an important role in promoting international economic growth. In

many countries throughout the world, there is a need for vital infrastructure projects, such as

roads, transportation, and power, and project finance is often a major obstacle to their

completion. Islamic finance may provide an opportunity for emerging economies to finance

these crucial infrastructure projects. For example, a sukūk type security could be issued such

that the returns are linked to the infrastructure project’s returns. Additionally, these securities

could be established with a long time dimension and be issued in small denominations, which


Islamic Research and Training Institute (2014): Islamic Financial Services Industry

Development: Ten Year Framework and Strategies, A Mid-Term Review