Proceedings of the 14
Meeting of the
Transport and Communications Working Group
recommendations were formulated around the following eight areas: political measures,
institutional and organizational measures, technical measures, legislative measures, procedural
measures, statistics & surveys related measures, capacity-building measures and follow up
Policy Recommendation I (Political measures):
Identify and plan PPP projects in the
framework of the wider socio-economic development vision and transport development
strategy of the government.
PPP projects should preferably be identified as part of the elaboration and updating of
relevant national development and transport strategy plans. The preparation of an indicative
pipeline of PPP projects should be considered, which may also be used to cluster and rank
projects according to their value for money and value-added for society. Such a list could also
provide a basis for discussion with the financial stakeholders aimed at reducing the
macroeconomic and financial credit risks. It would also increase the attractiveness of the
PPPs and PPP system to the private sector and investors market. Regulatory issues should
also be taken into account when identifying and selecting PPP projects, first of all, the tariff
setting regulations, thus mitigating political and financial sustainability risks.
Especially in those countries with few or no PPP experiences, the authorities should consider
the adoption of a PPP policy and sensibilization initiatives targeted to the managers of the
relevant public institutions involved in the procurement and management of public
infrastructure and services. This will raise awareness on the applicability of the PPP model
and the implications of its adoption for infrastructure and services procurement and
operation. These measures would represent a precondition for the subsequent adoption of
institutional reforms and eventually a PPP dedicated regulatory framework.
Policy Recommendation II (Institutional and organizational measures):
Allocate clear
responsibilities for the management of PPPs over the course of their life-cycle.
A unit/department within the government or within the authority responsible for state
budget monitoring and control should be identified that should be responsible for the
appropriate management of the accounting liabilities deriving from the involvement of the
public sector in PPPs.
Depending on the number of PPPs implemented or expected to be implemented in a country
and the existing institutional setting concerning foreign investment promotion and public
procurement, a PPP unit may also be set up that could be involved at least in PPP policy
definition and implementation, identification, planning, promotion and appraisal of PPPs.
Furthermore, additional PPP units/departments may be also established within the mainline
Ministries involved in the planning, development, implementation, and monitoring of PPP
projects in the transport sector as well as within the established Regulatory Authorities.
Adequate regulations and institutional settings should be also considered to ensure an
optimal level of competition in the market as the presence of a small number of operators