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Proceedings of the 14


Meeting of the

Transport and Communications Working Group


countries show a number of initiatives comprised between 1 and 4 and 22 does not appear

to have transport PPPs implemented. The selection of the case studies concentrated on the

14 countries registering 5 or more PPP projects. Further to the total number of PPPs

implemented in the transport sector their distribution by transport mode was also

considered in the selection of the case studies. The combined application of these two criteria

to the sample of 14 OIC Member Countries with 5 or more PPP projects lead to the selection

of the following countries for case study analysis: Côte d'Ivoire and Mozambique (African

Group), Algeria and Jordan (Arab Group), Malaysia and Turkey (Asian Group).

In three out of the six selected case studies – i.e. Côte d'Ivoire, Jordan, and Turkey – country

visits have been organized between July and August 2019, which allowed the consultation of

a number of public institutions, as well as private entities and international agencies involved

in the preparation, implementation, management and operation of PPP projects. Further to



during the country visits, phone interviews have been also organized

with public entities in Malaysia. The consultation of the PPP project stakeholders in the OIC

Member Countries complemented the

review of publicly available plans and laws in the

investigated countries. Research literature

was also consulted

providing the view of

professional and academic experts on the risk management practices applied to PPP projects

in the transport sector in the six identified countries.


analysis performed as part of the six case studies

was conducted in line with the

conceptual framework

for risk management of transport PPP projects and a set of guiding

questions provided by COMCEC in the Terms of Reference of the study. The research focused

on those PPPs including construction and/or rehabilitation works only, thus excluding those

PPPs mainly related to operation and maintenance of existing assets and services.

Results from the case study analyses

Mr. ZANI continued his presentation with the description of the main findings and challenges

from the three case studies subject of country visit. Further to a brief overview of the transport

PPPs implemented in the countries, a description of the main findings and challenges was given,

referring to the six main elements of the conceptual framework: strategy and policy [1], pre-

tendering decision process [2], procurement and contracting [3], construction and operation [4-

5], end of contract (follow up) [6].

Case study Côte d'Ivoire

According to Ivorian Authorities, there are 31 PPP initiatives currently active or at the planning

stage in the transport sector in the country. Of these 7 were implemented before the PPP legal

and institutional reform of 2012 and 24 were identified for implementation after this milestone.

Of these initiatives, 11 PPP signed contracts include infrastructure works and were accordingly

subject to case study analysis. A PPP Unit and a dedicated PPP legislation are in place in Côte

d'Ivoire since 2012. Standard risk management guidelines/checklists are also in use and a risk