Child and Maternal Mortality
in Islamic Countries
Perceived barriers to MNCH services
The reporting of the perceived barriers to MNCH services were considered similar (figure 3.67).
Figure 3.67. Barriers that prevent families from seeking delivery care from MNCH services,
(1= Most significant barrier; 2= Second most significant barrier; 3= Moderate barrier; 4=
Somewhat of a barrier; 5= Not a barrier)
"Affordability in the private sector only represents a barrier, maldistribution of staff and
unavailability of professionals in remote and rural areas represent a barrier".
"Quality of care:- Maternal Neonatal and Child Health Survey (Households) in Selected Districts of
Iraq – 2016 show : (81.4 percent) of women received postnatal care from any provider and/or from
a medically trained provider within 2 days after delivery. 49.9 percent of children were fully
vaccinated by the age of two, Only 32.9 percent of newborns were breastfed for the first time within
one hour of birth. and 15.6 percent of children less than 6months of age were exclusively breastfed".
“No functional referral system to ensure a continuum of care at different levels.”