Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
subtitles in English.
In Case of
the native language of this region is Arabic. Therefore, in order to
make the participants understood fully, each English questionnaire had subtitles in
In case of
the questions were constructed in English as English is Uganda’s
official language.
(i) Administrators:
The expertswhoare responsible for managing TVETsectors are considered
Administrators such as Principals of institutes, Heads of Departments, Directors, Project
Directors, Chairmen of TVE sectors, and other key persons who are managing NGOs and other
donor agencies.
Case study
The number of Administrators (sample size) for collecting quantitative
data was 50.
Purposive sampling
was used to recruit 50 administrators to get desired
information. The lead researcher asked for an appointment to distribute the hard copy of the
questionnaires. In few cases, when the Administratorswere not reachable, an online surveywas
sent to get their input.
Case study
The number of Administrators (sample size) for collecting quantitative
data was 35.
Purposive sampling
was used to recruit 35 administrators to get desired
information. The researchmember asked for an appointment to distribute the hard copy of the
questionnaires. In few cases, when the administratorswere not reachable, an online surveywas
sent to get their input.
Case study
The number of Administrators (sample size) for collecting quantitative data
was 25. The purposive sampling was used to recruit 19 administrators to get desired
information. The research asked an appointment to distribute the hard copy of the
questionnaire. In few cases, when the Administratorswere not reachable, an online surveywas
sent to get their input.
(ii) Teaches from TVET sectors:
The teacherswho are currently teaching in TVET sectors are
considered as TVET Teachers. Those who are working in both public (government) and private
(non-government) institutions were the participants of this study.
In order to ensure balanced representation of teachers’ participation from different level of
experience, all teachers fromTVET institutionswere invited toparticipate in this study. In order
to clarify the process of selecting participants, the four steps were followed:
Step one:
themanager and/or researchers of the project communicatedwith the principals
of TVET institutions. The principals/heads of the departments were informed about the
nature and purpose of the study by the lead researcher of this project.
Step two:
the researchers requested principals to forward an invitation letter to all the
teachers regarding this project
Step three:
after distributing the invitation letterto target participants, interested teachers
from all departments were contacted by the researchers with the questionnaire and
afterward the questionnaires were distributed among them.
Step Four:
in few cases, teachers who were not reachable, were requested to fill online
survey (questionnaire) via online link.
In case of Bangladesh:
The desired number of TVET Teachers (sample size) for collecting
quantitative data was
from all over Bangladesh.