Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
It is, however, important to note that the standard does not serve to try to standardise RTS or
suggest uniformity in the structure of RTS management systems or documentation. It addresses
purely RTS management.
Although also applicable to road authorities and leading agencies, the standard has a larger
target audience. It is formulated very much with a view to getting companies (private and
public) to adopt the standard as a working procedure. This is aimed at specifically creating road
safety awareness within the workplace and making that a specific responsibility within these
organisations. However, the standard can be broadly applied and the principles and
requirements outlined apply equally to a lead agency responsible for road safety.
Context of the organisation
The ISO standard stipulates that organisations responsible for road safety management must
define their roles in the road traffic systems, identify processes, procedures and functions of the
organisation that will impact on RTS and finally determine the sequence and interaction of these.
The organisation is also expected to understand the market it serves, specifically the needs and
stakeholders and other parties involved in road traffic safety. To do this the agencymust identify
who these parties and stakeholders are, determine their requirements and determine the legal
and other requirements related to RTS to which the organisation subscribes.
The ISO 39001 standard requires that the lead agency establishes and maintains a RTS
management system. This system is intended to be a dynamic system which is continually
adapted and amended to meet changing demands of the road safety environment.
A prime function of a lead agency is to establish its outcomes, i.e. the RTS management system
must strive to reach tangible targets, ultimately based on an approach towards zero deaths and
serious injuries. The agency or organisation must therefore determine the scope of its
management systems, particularly related to its role in road traffic safety and the requirements
of its partners and stakeholders.
The ISO 39001 standard stipulates that top management of an organisation shall ensure that
RTS policies and objectives are established in accordance with the strategic direction of the
organisation. The RTS management system must be integrated into organisational business
processes and be supported by whatever resources that may be required to drive it. Top
management shall display leadership by adopting a towards zero road safety reduction goal and
by setting out clear short term targets and plans. The organisation will work closely with its
partners and topmanagement will ensure that it establishes sustainable coordination structures
to attain the RTS goals and objectives. Top management has the responsibility of assigning
responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles and functions within the organisation.
The organisation will develop its strategic actions and implementation plans based on sound
management information and prioritise these in order to achieve the intended outcomes. The