Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
policy implementation, provides for the delivery of interventions and ensures accountability for
the results.
Figure 3: A Road Safety Management System
Source: Koornstra et al., 2002; LTSA, 2000; OECD, 2008
The model identifies seven institutional management functions which are deemed essential for
a country to achieve the desired results (OECD, 2008). Results focus provides the strategic focus,
linking the implementation of interventions to the intermediate and final outcomes. Results
focus requires government to take ownership of the road safety problem and to appoint a
responsible organisation/department/body to work with other authorities and organisations
Develop management capacity to understand a country’s road safety issues.
Provide a comprehensive strategy with intermediate and outcome targets.
Deliver interventions and target achievements.
Review performance.
Coordination of the key agencies to develop and deliver road safety policy and strategy.
Effective legislation to enable desired results to be delivered.
Adequate funding and well-targeted resource allocation for interventions and related
institutional management functions.
Promotion of road safety within the government and the broader community.
Robust and systematic monitoring and evaluation to measure progress.
Proactive research and development and knowledge transfer programmes which
actively influence improvement in interventions, institutional management functions
and performance monitoring.