Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
admission, transfer of ownership and suspensions of vehicles. CNEH is responsible for
conducting periodic technical inspections (PTI) and vehicle approval to the public road.
Both organisations fall under the responsibility METL. METL is, amongst others, responsible for
policy, supervision, legislation and regulation concerning road transport and road safety.
Morocco has a central motor vehicle register, called
Fichier National d’Immatriculation
that is maintained by DTRSR. The personal data of owner(s) and/or holder(s) are taken from
the Carte Nationale d’Identité Electronique (CNIE) that is handed over in case of (re)registration.
The data in the FNI are not updated by the personal register in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
(Ministère de l'intérieur). The registered owner/holder(s) of the vehicle are responsible
themselves to inform the FNI about any changes in their (personal) data at the centres
Besides the technical information the registers contains information about penalty points, open
fines and the PTI status.
The regional departments, de Direction Général de la Sureté National and the Gendarmerie
Royale, have no online access to this register. They work with a copy and in case of doubt, or
need for actuality central points within the organisations, can have online contact. Information
about insurance and tax are not part of the FNI. The responsible ministries keep their own
Based on the “code de la route”, the registered owner and/or hirer/user is responsible for traffic
offences, paying taxes, paying fines, applying penalty points and for being insured. In case of a
road side inspections the driver will be held responsible for a possible traffic offence. The driver
will have to pay and will incur penalty points if at fault. If the vehicle is caught on radar, the
owner will have to pay the fine. If not the driver, the owner has the possibility to forward the
fine and the penalty points to the driver. The adjudication of fines is not well documented and it
is not certain which proportion of issued fines are actually paid, dealt with in court or otherwise.
If the person in question denies having driven the vehicle the registered owner/holder has to
pay the fine(s). However, the penalty points cannot be taken from any drivers’ licence. When the
offence registered by radar is committed with a truck, the registered owner/holder can give the
names of the driver, the dispatcher and the receiver of the goods. All of these (legal) persons
have a shared responsibility.
The Minister of Interior maintains a separate register of stolen vehicles.
Organisation of IT
The DSI (Direction de Système d’Ínformation) maintains the central motor and driving licence
register technically for DTRSR.
Within METL, DSI is responsible for most of its hardware and software. DSI also maintains the
ICT for both the vehicle and driving licence registers. DSI works in 80% of the cases for DTRSR.