Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
Management and coordination of road safety at central level;
Further improvement in road safety legislation;
Further implementation and improvement of traffic enforcement;
Improvement of driver examination and licensing procedures for drivers and professional
Further improvement of road infrastructure;
Further improvement of emergency medical care;
Road safety communication and campaigns;
Road safety education at schools;
Promotion of scientific research and monitoring of traffic and traffic safety.
The Moroccan Government has decided to let the World Bank evaluate its road safety strategy
for the period 2003-2013. Therefore, the Moroccan Government has, at this stage, developed
only road safety ‘orientations’ for the period 2014-2016. These have yet to be formally adopted
by the Inter-ministerial Committee of road safety (headed by the chairman of the Government);
and could then form the basis of the next road safety strategy.
The PSIU-4 covers the period 2016-2025. Its ambitious target is to halve the number of traffic
fatalities in 2015 and to achieve a 25% reduction in traffic fatalities in 2020. Expressed in
numbers, the targets are to reduce the number of traffic fatalities to 2800 or less in 2020 and to
1900 or less in 2015. The contents of PSIU-4 were not yet available at the time of this report.
Besides the PSIU, which has a focus on change of driver behaviour through legislation,
enforcement and education, further improvements in road safety are being planned by road
improvement plans. The “programme spécial des aménagements de sécurité” (PSAS) covers the
period 2014-2018. An important aim of this project is to improve safety of main highways by
installing guard rails. Besides plans for improving highway safety, Morocco, also has plans for
extending and improving the rural road network in the coming years (e.g. OITC, 2013)
International treaties and declarations
Morocco is signatory to the following international treaties and conventions regarding road
transport and road safety and has adopted the following resolutions as a member of the United
Nations (Source: UNECE-Transport):
Road traffic
Road signalling
Convention on the contract for the International carriage of Goods by road (CMR) of 1956
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets
(TIR Convention) of 1959 and revised in 1975
Transportation of dangerous goods (ADR)
Transportation of perishables (ATP)
Location and validity of driving licenses
Temporary importation of private road vehicles
Custom convention on container transport