Planning of National Transport Infrastructure
In the Islamic Countries
Very few NTI plans are developed based on an outcome-oriented
approach that drives concerted performance measurement
efforts at national and local levels.
A national traffic model does not always exist.
4. Procedural factors and
The transport planning approach is mostly top-down with the
leader’s vision sets the strategic direction.
The involvement of the private sector and academia in the
transport planning process is very low.
Public consultation and stakeholder participation have been
practiced with different levels of involvement. The procedures
however require strengthening.
PPP is being the most common practice of financing although the
success rate in increasing project funding from the private sector
is low.
5. Content of NTI
Many NTI plans are output based, while good NTI planning
practices are outcome based.
Most of the NTI plans are not compliant with or not taking the
Sustainable Development Goals into account.
6. Data collection method
In some cases, data for plans and projects are collects as needed
by consultants and research institutes through surveys of various
kinds. In other cases, transportation data is collected annually by
the government.
7. Monitoring and
evaluation system
Monitoring is being implemented more than evaluation.
In some countries the monitoring process is coordinated by the
ministry who developed the NTI plan, while in other countries it
is done by a separate agency.
Case studies
Three OIC countries were visited (Kazakhstan, Uganda, and Qatar), for which a detailed analysis
of the NTI planning practice in these countries is provided based on the above-mentioned seven
framework areas. Additional in-depth analyses are conducted for Malaysia, Senegal and Oman.
Furthermore, from the seven framework areas, 10 criteria are chosen. These are:
National transport policy
NTI plans are comprehensive and horizontally driven
Multidisciplinary transport planning agency
NTI plans are outcome-based
Inclusion of NMT modes
Multimodal national transport model
NTI plans available in the public domain
Public consultation and stakeholder participation
Sustainable Development Goals mainstreamed into NTI plans
10. Monitoring and evaluation agency
These criteria are considered as basic criteria that should be addressed by NTI plans. Each case
study country is assessed based on these criteria by determining whether each criterion “does
not exist”, “needs to be improved”, or already “developed”. Qatar performs best as it “ticks all