Planning of National Transport Infrastructure
In the Islamic Countries
A ten-year strategy 2014-2023 that determines the orientations and objectives to be
Sectoral policies that specifically implement the strategic axes with strategies, objectives,
priority lines of action, means of implementation and performance indicators
A five-year (2014-2018) priority action plan (PAP) that aligns the strategic orientations,
sector objectives and action lines
Projects and programs that are subject to programming in the rolling three-year Public
Investment Program (PTIP).
The 2014-2023 10-year SEP Strategy is based on the following three pillars (LPST 2016-2020,
Pillar 1: Structural transformation of the economy and growth
Pillar 2: Human Capital, Social Protection and Sustainable Development
Pillar 3: Governance, Institutions, Peace and Security
For pillar 1, an efficient transport sector is needed to support the transformation of the structure
of the production apparatus and growth, to increase the market share of horticulture, building
materials and tourism. Export growth that is associated with the structural transformation of
the economy must necessarily be supported by quality transportation infrastructure and
services. Conversely, the development of quality goods transport infrastructure and services in
all modes and their profitability is highly dependent on a better balance of goods flows and
hence on export development. The diagnosis of the current situation of the sector has revealed
a significant imbalance between the physical flows both in terms of foreign trade and internal
trade which results in high service costs (large empty returns, overloads, percentage of empty
containers important to PAD).
In addition, the development of themining resources sector, essential tomake Senegal a regional
industrial logistics hub, due to its position as West Africa's gateway for corridors, necessarily
involves a better integrated and more competitive transport system. The same applies for the
multi-service hub that aims to make Dakar the regional platform for the headquarters of
companies and international institutions and the core for health care, education and leisure,
besides being a tourist destination of reference.
About pillar 2, the extension of access to basic social services, especially to quality education and
health care, requires investments to bring equipment closer to the population, but transport
support is still always needed.
The transport sector is very much concerned by the third pillar and particularly by the
establishment of strong institutions. Indeed, the diagnosis of the transport sector has shown the
weak capacities of the public institutions and a lack of professionalization of the actors.
For SEP implementation to be successful, there had been addressed fourteen challenges, five of
them are related to the transport sector:
Control of factors of production;
The gradual modernization of the informal economy;
The correction of territorial disparities and social inequalities as well as the protection of
vulnerable groups;