Governance of Transport Corridors in OIC Member States:
Challenges, Cases and Policy Lessons
current state of the transport infrastructure. The SEETO secretariat is in the process of adopting a
Maintenance plan for 2019-2023, which concerns a common strategy for the maintenance of the
infrastructure network. It is a five-year maintenance plan for the member states regarding the rail and
road networks. For the current state of the road and rail networks, in 2016, two reports were published
on the status of road and rail maintenance to assess the performance of these transport systems.
Corridor performance monitoring and dissemination
Monitoring corridor performance
The performance of the SEETO network is assessed by data that is entered into SEETIS 3, the
information system of SEETO. The data is then analysed by the secretariat, working groups, or other
relevant parties for further development of the corridor. If through analysis and discussion it turns out
that certain aspects of the corridor are underperforming, further research is conducted on its
performance. For example, it was concluded from previous research that developing a maintenance
plan for the member states is one of the major topics to be developed to smoothen transport along the
corridor. Hence, two studies were conducted in 2016 to assess the performance of road and rail
maintenance on the SEETO network, which will be used as input for the development of the
Maintenance Plan 2019-2023.
The SEETO secretariat uses the SEETO Soft Measures Monitoring mechanism, a list of predefined
criteria, to assess and compare progress made on a list of eight soft infrastructure measures. Likewise,
SEETO developed a Priority Projects Rating Methodology, to track data on the implementation of the
priority projects.
Data collection mechanisms and methods
Since 2006, this data is collected annually by questionnaires carried out by the national coordinators.
SEETIS 3 includes data on the quality of the network, such as road network condition, road traffic
density, number of tracks, rail freight trains and rail passenger traffic; and data on the priority projects,
such as its organizer, localisation, strategic importance, economic and financial justification, project
maturity, financial analysis and technical description.
Dissemination and making statistics publicly available
It is laid down in the MoU that the SEETO secretariat is responsible for information exchange and
dissemination and public visibility – i.e. the collection, exchange and distribution of information
covering the regional transport sector. SEETO uses twomain tools to provide data to the public: SEETIS
3 and the yearly published Multi-Annual Action plans.
Data is made available to the public through
, an internet based GIS application (see
Figure 3.4). The portal was established in 2012 and can be used to gain information on the status of the
infrastructure, as well as information on priority projects. SEETIS includes data on the quality of the
network, such as road network condition, road traffic density, number of tracks, rail freight trains and
rail passenger traffic; and data on the priority projects, such as its organizer, localisation, strategic
importance, economic and financial justification, project maturity, financial analysis and technical