Improving Transnational Transport Corridors
In the OIC Member Countries: Concepts and Cases
Figure 15: Evolution of GDP per capita (PPS) as % of EU-27
Source: EuropeAid, 2015.
The PHARE (EU-pre-accession) support to Poland had a strong focus on the
improvement/development of road and rail infrastructure. Between 1990 and 2006 a total of
502.55 million EUR co-financing has been granted for investment projects, including 7 road
investment projects and 7 rail investment projects (EuropeAid, 2015). The investment projects
have had a strong impact on decreasing population marginalization, increasing the quality of
life on the border areas and reduction of barriers in socio-cultural integration of societies on
different sides of the border (an increase in knowledge on societies and areas abroad, increase
of common trust, combating prejudice, knowledge of the language). As a consequence Poland
as shown an increase of international transport services as a share of total transport and an
increase in transport services with foreign countries (cabotage as a share of international
transport). Poland’s cargo transport volumes grew much faster than GDP in the post-accession
period while in the EU the same indicator rose at a similar rate.
One of the consequences the success of the TEN-T network is the establishment of a level
playing field. This is visible within the TEN-T area for example in the area of labor, labor
conditions, wage levels and skill levels.