Sustainable Destination Management
Strategies in the OIC Member Countries
There’s a need to foster greater provision of practical travel
information to address the information gaps that make it difficult for
travelers to plan a Silk Road trip.
Establish a dedicated section for the Silk Road on official websites
from each destination, to position themselves as Silk Road
countries in addition to their individual national tourism strategy.
Conduct individual Silk Road activities without coordination with
other Silk Road countries, utilizing the country’s own Silk Road
unique selling points.
For each destination to partner with other Silk Road destinations
as well as the private sector in global marketing campaigns and
engage travelers through social media. Joint social media activities
can have a high impact.
Develop a strong and recognizable brand in each heritage corridor
with a positive reputation that inspires trust and is consistent in
branding terms.
Support and monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of the
implementation of joint marketing initiatives, along with the
involvement and integration of private tourism businesses.
Along with the benchmarking of best practices of other corridor
developments, learn from their negative experiences on how not to
develop destinations.
Support more capacity-building initiatives for various stakeholders
utilizing e-courses, webinars, and other digital tools.
Stimulate joint participation in international travel fairs (such as
) under the Silk Road name to help visitors understand that
these destinations are very close to each other geographically as
well as offer complementing tourist products.
Foster the implementation of mutual recognition agreements
concerning hospitality standards to achieve comparable service
levels in each country.
NTOs should leverage the collective legacy of Silk Road architecture,
gastronomy, religion, culture, and technology by establishing
partnerships among destinations and businesses for global
marketing campaigns
All five Turkic-speaking countries in the corridor could apply for
common nomination Silk Road cultures and traditions.