Muslim Friendly Tourism:
Developing and Marketing MFT Products and Services
In the OIC Member Countries
respondents stated travelling with family members, 14% travel alone and 12 % travel
with friends.
With respect to the activities they engage in while on their leisure trips, sight-seeing
was the activity most mentioned (86%) followed by shopping (71%), beach/water
related activities (48%), visiting museums (47%), theme parks (40%) adventure
activities (35%), cruises (18%) and sports activities/events (11%).
84% of the survey respondents researched destinations before traveling to ensure
they meet their religious needs, affirmed that they do. They get information through
travel websites (72%), from family and friends (63%), social media (47%), blogs
(41%), travel agencies (22%), and advertising (12%).
While total cost is the top criteria for destination choice followed closely by Muslim-
friendly services. Friendliness of locals is the third criteria for destination choice.
For hotels, the presence of Halal food options is important to 95% of the respondents,
followed by the availability of a bidet shower/sprayer in toilets (89%) and no
alcoholic drinks being in the room (85%), and serving Ramadan meals (84%).
For restaurants, the most important service is the provision of Halal food options
(96%), followed by serving Ramadan meals and having all food at facility be Halal
(85% each) and having modestly clothed staff and no alcoholic drinks at restaurants/
food outlets (81%).
For airports, entertainment and cultural venues at destination, the two most
important elements are the availability of Halal food options and prayer areas (95%
each), the availability of bidet shower/sprayer in toilets (89%), having modestly
clothed staff and all food at venues be Halal with (78% each), and having no alcoholic
drinks at venues (76%).