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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


As for allocating a place in the Aircraft for prayers, Saudia is the first airline to do so. The

prayer “room” is located in the rear side of the plane. The airline has removed three middle

rows of economic class passenger seats to provide the space. Some Airlines such as Emirates,

Saudis, Qatar provide the prayer direction information on their In-flight entertainment system.

They also have dedicated channels to listen to the Quran.

Most OIC based Airlines do cater to the needs of Muslim travelers during the month of

Ramadhan, by announcing Iftar and Sahoor times as well as providing meals around those

times. Currently many airlines do not provide selection of a seat which could be next to a non-

alcohol drinking person.

Fawad Khan of Singapore Airlines (SIA) based in Jeddah Saudi Arabia mentions

SIA has a

positive outlook towards Muslim tourist and would not discriminate against any religious

denomination. He did talk about islamophobia given the recent developments. However, he stated

that SIA are indifferent on the religious affiliation of the passenger.

Azman Ahmad, GM Product Management for Saudia, mentions that

the Airlines have been active

in looking at providing Muslim friendly services to the passengers. Apart from the prayer space,

they have a dedicated channel for Quran reading/recitation. They are also looking at providing

prayer time information.

Jamel Gamra, former Minister for Tourism Tunisia commented

that transportation service

providers especially in Tunisia continues to welcome the Muslim tourist. He further added that

more needs to be done to ensure the service providers offer Muslim friendly facilities. Tunisair

popular flight routes are Turkey, Morocco and Egypt. Airline provides Halal food to all its


Bangladeshi businessman Kazi Shafiqur Rahman founded Firnas (airline),

aims to provide full

halal services (no alcohol, halal food only etc.) to a number of Islamic destinations. Likely initial

destinations include, Sylhet in Bangladesh, Pakistani capital Islamabad, Jeddah in Saudi Arabia,

and Tehran. Firnas planning head Abdul Roqueb said in an interview, "incumbents had faced a

lack of competition in catering to the Muslim needs.

In December 2015, Malaysian airline Rayani Air was launched as the first Shariah-compliant

airline. Rayani Air took off from the capital Kuala Lumpur to the resort island of Langkawi.

“We are the first Malaysian airline to be Shariah-compliant based on guidelines by relevant

authorities.“ the company’s managing director Jaafar Zamhari told Malaysia’s Star newspaper.

“We are proud of this.”


In OIC destinations, where there are long distance train services, generally there is no issue

with Halal food or prayers. However, in non-OIC destinations, there is still need for

development. Most OIC destinations do have prayer facilities and Halal food at Highway stops.

However, the quality and the cleanliness of the services in some places are not up to desirable

standards. Malaysia has been actively ensuring the Highway stops are provided with the right

services. As observed during the field visit to Malaysia as part of the study, some of the

features of Malaysian highways are:


Yahoo News (2015)