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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries



Attractions & Activities (shopping, beaches, sightseeing etc.)

Muslim travelers visiting an attraction in Singapore would find them to be very Halal friendly.

Halal food is generally available in all the major attractions.

Some attractions like Universal

studios also have prayer rooms.


Travel agents/Tour operators

Most travel tour operators can make sure that Muslim visitor coming through them are catered

with Muslim friendly services.


Human capital

Singapore is fortunate that although it’s a non-OIC member state there is a high level of

awareness, knowledge and expertise towards catering to the Muslim traveler. Muslims and

non-Muslims alike are fairly familiar with the unique needs and preferences required by

Muslim travelers. MUIS conducts many programs in the Halal food area. However it does not

have specific programs to develop human resources for the MFT..



Singapore is a preferred travel destination by Muslims because of the following;


Family friendliness and safety


High Muslim-friendly services and facilities available


Good Halal awareness and reach to Muslims

Singapore was ranked one of the safest cities in the world by the Safe Cities Index published in

Economic Intelligence Unit. With a significantly large Muslim population, Singapore is also very

safe for Muslim travelers. In addition, the Singaporean government demonstrates high

maturity, tolerance and responsibility towards all religions. Another appeal is that Singapore is

the city to be if you are a foodie, according to Shahrizal Salleh (Chef Bob) of Sedap Corner Asian

Fare & Grill. Thankfully, halal restaurants are aplenty and easy to find in Singapore.

Due to cultural similarities, OIC Asian-grouping countries generally view Singapore as a

preferred travel destination. The OIC Asian group continues to be the top five contributors in

terms of visitor arrivals into Singapore.

Strengths and challenges for the Singapore’s MFT segment

Singapore has been successful in attracting both Muslim and non-Muslim visitors to the island.


GMTI (2015)


report ranks Singapore as the No. 1 Muslim friendly destination among the

non-OIC countries. With Muslim arrivals constituting around 20 percent of the total arrivals in

2014, it is a good example of how a destination manages the needs of both Muslim and non-

Muslim visitors.

The key strength of Singapore also lies with its local Muslim population. With around 15% of

the population being Muslim, Singapore has been able to develop a strong Halal food and


MasterCard-CrescentRating (2015); Global Muslim Travel Index 2015 (GMTI); Singapore CrescentRating