Improving the Border Agency Cooperation
Among the OIC Member States for Facilitating Trade
We also describe interesting developments in a number of countries in short country case
vignettes. Importantly, OIC countries have established regional cooperation partnerships with
other OIC and non-OIC states with varying levels of integration that reflect many elements of
BAC in the strategic framework and practical implementation of the specific programs. Ample
space for discussing these regional initiatives will be provided.
BAC activities in the countries in the Arab geographic region
Country indicators
The Arab region consists of 22 OIC member states in the Middle East and North Africa. These
countries vary significantly in size, with their population stretching from below one million to
88.5 million in Egypt. The total population of the region is significant, 370 million people. The
countries cover a vast geographical area, over 13.1 million square kilometres. In terms of their
geography, the Arab countries also typically have a relatively high number of neighbouring
countries (3.5 on average), of which most (2.6 on average) are also OIC member states,
implying significant potential for BAC activities.
The Arab countries are relatively competitive economies. Their average overall World
Economic Forum global competitiveness index is 4.3, which would put them on the 52nd place
in the country ranks. Within the Arab region, the UAE and Qatar have the highest overall
logistics performance indices, putting them on the 27th and 29th positions in the global
ranking. The Arab country average is 2.64, which would give the 97th place in the ranking.
Table below shows the key indicators for the 22 Arab countries in regards to BAC activities.
Regarding their foreign trade, the Arab countries have a large export surplus in total. However,
this is produced by only 8 out of 22 countries. In fact, the region includes a number of
countries - such as the UAE, Qatar and Kuwait - among the top in terms of their exports per
capita. In the Doing Business study, the UAE has the shortest overall distance to frontier (DTF)
at 75.1%. The average for the Arab countries is 54.5%. In the trading across borders indicator,
Jordan scores highest with 86.7%, while the average remains at 53.6% due to a high variation
in the scores. This means that there is significant potential for learning within the OIC