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Preferential Trade Agreements and Trade Liberalization Efforts in the OIC Member States

With Special Emphasis on the TPS-OIC


The selection was based on the following criteria:

Only agreements for which there is evidence of actual implementation are considered,

i.e. those where at least some trade liberalisation measures have already been taken. This

implies that agreements such as the PTA among the D8 Countries (D8) (in force since 2011,

but still not implemented), the ECOTA trade agreement among members of the Economic

Cooperation Organization and the Pan-Arab Free Trade Area (PAFTA) were not selected.

The selection provided a balance between agreements among members of the OIC and

those involving OIC members as well as other countries

The agreements involving three out of five major trade partners of the OIC as a group:

China, EU and India are included, so that to enable contrasting the features of these


Agreements involving a total of 28 OIC members are considered from diverse cultures

and geographies, including Africa, Middle East, Central, South and South-Eastern Asia. The 28

OIC members include the majority of main exporters and importers in the OIC group. They are

also diverse in terms of commodity structure of exports, including both major oil exporters,

and those exporting mainly various industrial products.

The analysis presents each of the selected agreement and subsequently provides a

comparative summary of their scope and characteristics. The analyses of individual

agreements provide a snapshot of their main provisions, first as regards trade in goods and in

the latter part also services trade and other deeper integration issues if such feature in

discussed agreements. The liberalisation effort or degree of trade liberalisation within a given

agreement is assessed by contrasting data on MFN tariffs and the effectively applied tariffs to

imports from the world as a whole with tariffs applied to imports from parties of the analysed

agreement. The main trade effects are assessed by first providing an overview of trade within

the partners of the agreement (and where relevant in comparison to trade patters with the

rest of the world), then looking at the evolution of intra-agreement trade, at the changes in

composition of trade and finally by references to empirical literature looking specifically at

effects of the considered agreements.


The ASEAN Preferential Trade Arrangement dates from 1977 and the subsequent signing of

the AFTA Agreement in 1992 spurred the regional trade integration process


. It involved six

original ASEAN members Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia (all three also members of


The section on ASEAN draws from the text of CARIS (2011) report for the European Commission DG TRADE,

Economic Integration in South East Asia and the Impact on the EU.