Enhancing Public Availability of Customs Information
In the Islamic Countries
Bank which strives to enhance the legal and regulatory framework and thereby remove the
critical impediments which prevent ICT from boosting growth and ensuring poverty alleviation.
Senegal has been a regional leader in the rollout of ICTs , including in trade, as evidenced by the
success of its Single Window program.
It is moving forward in terms of promoting online
access to trade and Customs information, but the current state of play, as suggested by the initial
analysis, is one of partial and ongoing application and use of ICTs. Given time and resource
constraints, increased use of ICTs is likely a project for the medium-term in this area.
Use of Inquiry Points, Call Centers, and Information Centers
The trade facilitation sub-committee has representatives of each relevant department who
serve as the focal point through which enquiries are channeled. The committee also meets
regularly and on a needs basis to address any issues brought to its attention.
Senegal offers enquiry points online at
www.asn.sn .They are managed by “Association
Senegalese de normalization (ASN), with nominated natural persons listed for contact purposes.
However, these enquiry points are focused on regulatory matters related to SPS and TBT, and
likely do not fully satisfy the TFA’s conception of an enquiry point for customs and border
related matters, although they undoubtedly have some of the necessary information available.
Also, a regional enquiry points for customs matters, including trade facilitation, is being created
as part of a WAEMU regional trade information portal.
Private-sector participation in
economic policy discussions on customs issues is deemed satisfactory by stakeholders and has
been improving over the years. Nonetheless, there is more work to do to ensure that the enquiry
point system is fully in line with what is envisaged by the TFA, and especially what is seen in
other countries that are at or close to the global best practice frontier.
Trade Portal: Structure and Operation
Although it was launched in 2018, the TIP is still under development, so it is not possible to give
full details as to its structure and operation. Based on the understanding expressed by
government and stakeholders, the online portal will bring together all relevant regulatory
information, and will link to the Single Window system, which in turn provides an online
solution to the need to fill out and file customs and border formalities. When implemented, the
system will therefore provide full online access to customs and trade-related rules and
regulations, as well as forms and other formalities.
Administrative and Consultative Processes to Support Information Availability
Institutional and Administrative Arrangements
The State has put in place a mechanism to facilitate the collaboration of all agencies either
producing or which have the prerogative to deliver relevant information. The project has a
Steering Committee, chaired by the ministry of trade, with represents each agency (most of the
time the head of the department is the focal agent for participating agencies) as well as private
sector stakeholders.
Senegal’s development of ICT capacity is noted, for example, by the International Trade Center:
http://www.intracen.org/NTF4/IT-Senegal/ .21
All WAEMU members are also member countries of the OIC.