Enhancing Public Availability of Customs Information
In the Islamic Countries
online. The evaluation also outlined additional issues and advanced solutions subsequently
incorporated in the TIP project.
The Senegal TIP was developed according to guidelines outlined by the World Bank TIP. The
Ministry of Trade owns the TIP on behalf of the government, and has overall responsibility for
content. Content is currently available in French, and partially in English. Senegal’s TIPwill serve
as a unique electronic platform, provided by the government to allow traders to obtain
information on all regulatory requirements needed to undertake international trade.
Discussions are underway within the government of Senegal to ensure information on websites
will be complete and regularly updated. Given the breadth of information contained within the
concept of a global TIP, Senegal has recognized the importance of collaboration across ministries
and agencies. The TIP is available online a
t https://senegalcommerce.sec.gouv.sn/ .The TIP is a single platform for all single window systems operationalized through the
consolidation of ORBUS, GAINDE 2000 (the current Single Window for international trade), and
the Customs administration website. These elements will together form GAINDE INTEGRAL and
once fully operational, will ensure Senegal has a fully TFA compliant Single Window. In terms of
the types of information available, the focus of the TIP on regulatory measures means that the
full range of rules and regulations governing trade transactions will be available, while
integration with the Single Window will facilitate access to forms and other documentary
formalities. The figure below shows the home page of the TIP, and demonstrates the kinds of
information that are accessible through it.
Development of the TIP will require time and resources, which is likely why Senegal has not
notified all of the first four articles of the TFA under Category A, even though it has been
undertaking concrete reforms in this area. The TIP was officially launched in June 2018. The
figure below shows the administrative machinery behind the TIP, and highlights the way in
which it brings together information sources from various agencies and governmental organs.
Publication of Trade-Related Rules and Procedures
The Senegalese authorities believe that, to the extent possible, officials must publish all trade
rules, regulations, and procedures through the TIP. In this vein, authorities have made available
to the TIP committee all relevant legislation in paper form; the plan is to have all these digitized
and posted online in the near future, which will make them more easily accessible to the trade
community. Overall as of August 2018 close to 100% of customs and trade information has been
compiled and made available to the TIP steering committee, with about 80% available in digital
form and ready to be made accessible through the TIP website. Given that the TIP is still under
development as of November 2018, it is not currently possible to show screenshots or
flowcharts to give a sense of the types of information available, or the way in which the system
An essential part of the work program for developing the Senegal TIP was producing a catalogue
of all laws, regulations, instructions, measures, and other legal instruments related to trade, as
well as instructions on procedures and access to the country's tariff requirements. The catalogue
also included the lead agencies. This exercise itself enhanced the public availability of trade
information, even before full implementation of the TIP, by ensuring that a consolidated list of