Enhancing Public Availability of Customs Information
In the Islamic Countries
What Role for Technical Assistance?
USAID/ Bangladesh Trade Facilitation Activity, as well as the IFC and the World Bank are
actively supporting the Bangladesh Government in developing its Customs information
dissemination systems through implementing various projects. The IFC and World Bank Group
supported the launching of the Bangladesh Trade Portal and are still working with the Ministry
of Commerce for the further improvement and enrichment of the Portal. They also recently
signed an MoU with the NBR for the implementation of the National Single Window (NSW). The
USAID/ Bangladesh Trade Facilitation Activity supported the development and launching of the
dedicated National Customs Portal and National Enquiry Point (NEP). ADB is also supporting
Bangladesh in implementing some other trade facilitation activities.
One area identified by stakeholders as requiring additional technical assistance is coordination
of information dissemination efforts government departments and agencies. Support in the
development of administrative and institutional mechanisms could have important benefits for
stakeholders in terms of improving processes, and ensuring up to date and complete
information availability.