Issuance of a new certificate or
Compliance Improvement Plan (CIP) Suspension, Revocation and Cancellation of the AEO Status
The following are the conditions that call upon revocation, administrative notice or suspension
of the AEO status:
Revocation of the Certificate
AEO is no longer compliant.
Risks identified during PAA are intolerable risks.
State grounds of revocation
Administrative Notice
Tolerable risks discovered during the PAA
The administrative note is issued for corrective action.
Areas of improvement & timelines stated in the administrative note
Failure to implement the agreed-upon corrective actions in the administrative note
Grave non-compliance issues identified during PAA
Verifiable intelligence information indicating that the AEO is involved in grave non-
compliance acts
In case of de-authorization, the AEO has a right to appeal in 30 days. In other words, the AEO
submits an appeal and evidence to the Commissioner Customs. Upon this submission
The Commissioner Customs constitutes an independent committee.
The committee reviews the grounds of appeal and evidence submitted by the AEO and
prepares a report.
The committee can request for more information from the AEO if what was provided is
not sufficient.
The committee submits the report to the Commissioner Customs.
The Commissioner Customs informs the appellant regarding the outcomes of the
appeal. The decision made by the Commissioner Customs is considered as final.
4.3.5. Overview of the AEO Program Challenges
One Customs official manages many traders and bonded warehouses, which reduces
the required speed of operations.
The AEO companies are not identified by the Customs officers on the border, which
prevents the companies to ensure preferential treatment.
Bond guarantee waiver is not available at the moment.
Uganda is a transit hub for the EAC region. There are very few Ugandan Customs
officials in port cities in Kenya or Tanzania. The resulting congestion is a barrier to
fully recognize the AEO benefits.