Reducing Postharvest Losses
In the OIC Member Countries
Annex 1: OIC Member Country Questionnaire
It should be noted that although the number of questions is large, because the questionnaire
was menu driven, participants only completed questions that related to their country and crop
expertise indicated.
OIC questionnaire
Welcome to the Reducing Postharvest Losses in OIC Member Countries Survey
Postharvest losses and waste in Value Chains in OIC countries
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.
This survey is an important part of a
Project: Reducing Postharvest losses in the
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries. Your country has been selected
because it is a member of OIC. The project is managed by the
Natural Resources Institute
(NRI), University of Greenwich, UK. We are interested in learning about your perceptions of
the magnitudes and causes of losses which occur throughout the value chain (handling, drying,
storage, processing, packaging, transportation, distribution and marketing stages) for selected
crops and products. We will ask you a few questions about postharvest losses of selected food
products in your country. It will take about 15 minutes of your time. The information you
share will be used anonymously and will help the OIC Member Countries in strategically
reducing postharvest losses, alleviating poverty and improving the environment. This survey
complies with the University of Greenwich policy on Research Ethics. If you have any questions
or would like more information, please contact Professor Keith Tomlins (email:, tel +44 1634 883460). By participating in this survey you agree to allow
us to anonymously use the information you share in research publications and presentations.
Q1. What is the main final product in the value chain
Q2. What are the main by-products in the value chain
Q3. What are the postharvest activity stages
Postharvest losses and waste in Value Chains in OIC countries
Q4. Postharvest losses can be measured in both quantity (e.g. % weight lost) and quality (e.g.
% value lost). Please provide your best estimate of the percentage of final product lost by
weight in the postharvest value chain
Q5. For each of the value chain stages, please provide your best estimate of the percentage of
main product lost by weight.
Q6. Please provide your best estimate of the percentage of final product lost by value in the
postharvest value chain
Q7. For each of the value chain stages please provide your best estimate of the percentage of
main product lost by value.
Q8. What are the main causes of loss for the postharvest value chain activities