Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
contribution to FAO, it also provides extra-budgetary funding for FAO activities. Ireland also
supports WFP activities through the provision of untied cash contributions.
On a regional level, Ireland benefits from the support and guidance of the EU in food security.
The CAP provides a basis for strategic planning in the agricultural sector, direct income support,
and incentives to farmers to adopt climate mitigation measures. While Ireland, as any EU
member country, develops its own CAP strategic plan, the plan needs to be approved and
monitored by the European Commission. The CAP promotes research and innovation andmakes
it more accessible to farmers. The EU provides funding for numerous projects benefiting the
agricultural sector in Ireland, such as the Rural Development Program, the Horizon 2020
program, and the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and
Sustainability. The Rural Development Program—with a budget of €4 billion for 2014-2020—
sought to restore and preserve agriculture and forestry ecosystems, and to improve the
conditions and livelihoods of rural area habitants. The program includes support for
restructuring agricultural holdings and training for farmers to improve their skills. The Horizon
2020 programprovides funding to Irish agriculture and agri-foods researchers for research into
sustainable farming and food chain safety. The European Innovation Partnership for
Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability provides various funding streams and encourages
the collaboration between stakeholders, including agribusinesses, researchers, and NGOs in the
area of agricultural innovation.
Ireland also benefits from advice provided by EU agencies in
the area of food safety and security. Following food crises in the late 90s, the European Food
Safety Authority (EFSA) was established by the EU to provide scientific risk assessment related
to the food chain in areas of nutrition, food safety, plant and animal health and protection. EFSA
has national focal points in EU member states to ensure efficient information exchange in
addition to coordinating with national food safety authorities. In Ireland, the Food Safety
Authority of Ireland (FSAI) is EFSA’s national focal point representing Ireland on food safety
issues and cooperating with EFSA to ensure food safety and security.
“Annual Review and Outlook for Agriculture, Foodand theMarine 2018.” DAFM. 2018.
“Representation in Ireland.” 2019. European Commission.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) website.