Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
integrates it into the national public transport system. Funding for the program increased from
€12.2 million in 2016 to €21 million in 2019.
The Local Improvement Scheme, which was
allocated €10 million in 2019, aims to improve private and non-publicly-maintained roads in
isolated rural areas, such as roads leading to homes, farms and fields.
Furthermore, the Rural
Innovation Program supports rural startups by providing training, financial assistance, and
business planning guidance
. In a further effort to diversify rural livelihoods, the €15million
“LEADER” Initiative provides financial support tosmall food and beverage businesses, including
for renovating and purchasing food processing equipment. The initiative provides up to
€200,000 in funding per project for both capital investment and development or training .
Building human capital is vital for boosting resilience, so Ireland has several formal programs
and initiatives that enhance the knowledge and skills of the current and potential agricultural
workforce. There are several types of formal agricultural education in Ireland : higher level
courses provided by the Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc) and the
Institutes of Technology; university-level agricultural training; and various adultand continuing
education programs delivered by Teagasc. Postgraduate agri-food research fellowships—also
provided by Teagasc—support graduates that carry on research in a number of areas, including
agriculture, food, and rural development.
Furthermore,there aremany educational initiatives
directed at vulnerable and disadvantaged groups to enhance their knowledge and skills. These
include the Equality for Women Initiative and the Back to Education Initiative. The Equality for
Women Initiative provides funding to enhance women’s access to education, entrepreneurial
activity, and employment opportunities. The Back toEducation Initiative provides opportunities
for individuals who left school as a result of financial or other barriers to rejoin the formal
learning process.
As a member country of the European Union, Ireland enjoys a high level of support for its
agricultural programs and food security related initiatives. Ireland, through its official
development assistance program Irish Aid, provides support for a number of countries in the
area of food security, including Ethiopia, Malawi and Mozambique. It provides aid to support
investment in the agricultural sector, particularly for business development and job creation
and to encourage female participation.
Cooperation on a bilateral level includes collaboration
with the U.S. government to establish the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in 2010, which
focuses on improving nutrition and was joined in 2016 by 57 countries. On the international
level, Ireland is strongly committed to global food security. In addition to paying an annual
Department of Transport, Tourismand Sport website.
“€10m funding for new scheme to improve rural roads.” Feb 07, 201
9. funding-for-new-scheme-to-improve-rural-roads-902881.html321
The Agriculture and Food Development Authority websit
McCormack, Claire. “€15million LEADER food fund aims to ‘sustain rural livelihoods’.” AgriLand. May 01, 2018.
The Agriculture and Food Development Authority website.
“Human Capital Investment Operational Programme Final Implementation Report.” European Social Fund. 2017.
“Review of the Irish Aid Programme.” Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defense. February 2018. ports/2018/2018-02-22_report-review-of-the-irish-aid-programme_en.pdf