Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
Best practice countries recognize the importance of building human capital for resilience and
food security.
Ireland has a number of formal agricultural education programs
and many
initiatives targeting vulnerable and disadvantaged groups to enhance their knowledge and
skills. Examples include the Equality forWomen initiative and the Back toEducation Initiative—
which enhance women’s access to education and entrepreneurial or employment
opportunities—and the Back toEducation Initiative—which provides educational opportunities
for individuals who left school.
The U.S. has strong formal agricultural education programs
that serve as an extensive pipeline of agricultural professionals.
The U.S. also has a number of
educational initiatives, such as the 4H program, which provide youth in rural, urban, and
suburban communities with out-of-school programs and in-school enrichment program in a
number of areas, including agriculture.
Table 13: Resilience: Best Practices
Country Resilience
Supporting Research & Innovation
: Establishes the Strategic Alliance in Food
Research and launching several Initiatives for supporting research and innovation,
including the National Food Innovation Hub and the Prepared Consumer Food
Production (PCF) Centre
Diversifying Livelihoods
: Initiatives for improving rural infrastructure and
transport, including the Local Link Rural Transport Program and the Local
Improvement Scheme. Support for rural startups and rural food processing through
the Rural Innovation and LEADER programs
Building Human Capital
: Programs and initiatives for enhancing knowledge and
skills, including several formal agricultural educationprograms and many educational
initiatives targeting vulnerable groups, including low-income groups and women
Supporting Research & Innovation
: Strong support through the Agriculture and
Food Research Initiative focusing on six priority areas: plant health, animal health,
food safety, agriculture systems and technology, and agriculture economics and rural
Diversifying Livelihoods:
The SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) Program
trains low incomeparticipants (both rural and urban) inhigher demand job skills thus
enhancing their employment potential
Building Human Capital
: Formal agricultural educational programs in addition to
initiatives for enhancing knowledge and skills, including the 4H youth development
program, which supports programs in rural and urban areas across the country in a
number of areas including agriculture
Cooperation – Best Practices
Boosting food security and overcoming hunger requires cooperation on many levels: bilateral,
regional and international. As they benefit from a high level of food security, best practice
countries play an important role in supporting efforts to fight hunger and promote global food
security through various channels. These include the provision of bilateral technical and
The Agriculture and Food Development Authority website.
European Social Fund. (2017). Human Capital Investment Operational ProgramFinal Implementation Report.
Data USA website. (n.d.). Agriculture. Retrieved fro
4H website. (2019). What Is 4H?. Retrieved fro
USDA Website.