Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
larger sum of $6.4 billion on R&D, often in close partnershipwith universiti es.
An equivalent
institution focused on commercialization for the OIC will ensure recommendations are actually
implemented properly.
The IOFS could manage any commercially viable projects, based on recommendations and
imperatives from SESRIC and COMCEC.
For each project, IOFS could seek funding both funding from the government, private sources,
and the IslamicDevelopment Bank and could work with stakeholders to ensure the delivery of
commercial ventures as self-sustaining businesses and work with OIC entities to build a
seamless project implementation process. The IOFSwould alsoplay an important role in helping
OIC countries to improve their food system stability scores and improve their opportunities to
trade with other OIC Member Countries, a potentially lucrative opportunity.
The IOFS could work closely with OIC member states and their academic institutions to enable
multi-country collaborative projects. An example of such a study is the commercial development
of grain storage facilitates in OIC countries, the practical eradication of aflatoxin, and the
implementation of vertical farming initiatives.
Another area of development important for IOFS is in promoting clusters of activity that
leverage the strengths of individual member countries. For example, projects that pair an
agricultural producer in the OIC, such as Sudan, with a member country that can process raw
materials and distribute them throughout the OIC—such as the UAE—in important sectors, like
meat-based snacks and meals. By promoting cross-collaboration, the IOFS can facilitate exports
for multiple OIC countries.
Table 78: Potential Projects
Project Description
Potential Commercial Partners
Feasibility study and development for spray dryers to
lengthen life of OIC-sourced agricultural produce
Kerry Group (Food company)
Evaluation and implementation for establishing an OIC-
wide food provenance system
OneAgrix (Halal and Ethical
blockchain trading system)
Storage gap analysis and grain storage development
Cargill (Diversified food products
Enhancing shelf life of fruit and vegetable produce
Hazel technologies (agricultural
technology company)
Source: DinarStandard Analysis
"Agricultural Research Funding in the Public and Private Sectors." USDA ERS - Agricultural ResearchFunding in the
Public and Private Sectors. February 15, 201
9. the-public-and-private-sectors/