Increasing the Resilience of the Food Systems
In Islamic States in Face of Future Food Crises
access to nutrition. Examples of mitigation include the Agriculture Cash Flow Support Loan
Scheme in 201-201 gave farmers access to low-cost, flexible working capital finance.
To build long-term stability, strategic steps are required that span human capital development,
research, and diversifying livelihoods, underpinned by cooperation on many levels (i.e. bilateral,
regional, and international cooperation). For example, the U.S. government land grant system—
which gave ownership of land to individual states in 1862—provided land to colleges that
offered agriculture education programs to encourage research projects in agriculture. In the FY
2018 Farm Bill, Congress reauthorized $700 million per year for research, with priority areas
spanning plants, animals, food safety, bioenergy, agriculture systems and technology, and
agriculture economics and rural communities.
The European Union (EU) highlights the critical importance of cooperation in establishing
resilient food systems. Notably, the EU provides funding for a number of projects that benefit
the agricultural sector in Ireland, including the Rural Development Program, the Horizon 2020
program, and the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and
The OIC as a whole has substantial room for improvement in food system stability, with only the
GCC countries and Malaysia among the top 45 most food-secure countries in the world.
However, it is important tosegment the OIC into distinct groups based on food system maturity
and security. This results in four distinct groups: established agri-food production leaders; food
secure, import dependent members; lagging, high-potential exporters; and, last and most
vulnerable, the least-developed, food-insecuremembers. This segmentation is necessary for the
development of tailored approaches that can meet the needs of each OIC member.
National Academy Press. (1995). Colleges of Agriculture at the Land Grant Universities: A Profile. Retrieved from
The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2018, October). Global Food Security Index. Retrieved from