Reducing Food Waste
In the OIC Member Countries
The aim of the roadmap would be to align and co-ordinate existing member state policies and
activities to reduce food waste, and to disseminate best practice amongst the member states. A
unified OIC Member Country policy and principles document could be developed to aid Member
Countries to set their own national guidelines. This could help boost investment from
international and country-specific businesses and institutions. Based on a recommended target
to halve food waste by 2030, a set of focused plans and actions can be agreed on and put in place
to meet interim targets. These targets could include the prioritization of:
• Developing a forum or platform for sharing best practice.
• Developing an overarching set of guidelines and principles for developing and
implementing national-level and/or regional policies.
• Agreeing on and developing a standardized methodology for calculating and
reporting food waste.
• Setting in place regulations and tax incentives to encourage and enable businesses to
easily and cost-effectively donate surplus food (such as in Italy and France).
• Investigate the feasibility of implementing bans or limitations on the provision of
excessive food at events, such as weddings.
• Seeking alternatives to state subsidies for food items, such as bread, or revising the
legislation and implementation of the subsidies to ensure that food is not
unnecessarily distributed and wasted.
• Development of a staged member state campaign, which can be adapted by each
member state, to raise awareness around the issues of food waste, and provide
guidance to householders and the food service sector on how to reduce food waste.
It is recommended that COMCEC consider developing and implementing agreements (these
could be voluntary) and/or commitments Member Countries, and relevant stakeholder
organisations and institutions within these countries, can sign up to and register their
commitment to reducing and reporting on food waste. These could be similar to, for example
WRAP’s ‘Courtauld 2025’ or ‘Hospitality and Food Service Agreement' (WRAP, 2016). In
addition, alignment with and drawing on UNEP, WRAP and the FAO’s ‘Guidance on the
Prevention and Reduction of Food and Drink Waste’ to map and develop targets would be
7.4. P r o m o t io n o f fo o d b a n k s a n d fo o d d is t r ib u t io n n e tw o r k s
One of the key successes, both globally and within OIC Member Countries, has been the setting
up of food banks and food distribution networks. These initiatives provide an important role in
the distribution of unwanted food to the needy in countries suffering poverty and or affected by
A recommendation is for COMCEC to further promote the Egyptian-based food bank model, and
share best practice throughout its member states, thereby encouraging the adoption of food
banks in countries where these do not exist. While food waste prevention is a priority, the
distribution of food that is being unnecessarily wasted can be accommodated through these
networks. In addition, such measures also aid in the alleviation of access to food, and therefore
can help towards reducing food security issues.