Analysis of Agri-Food Trade Structures
To Promote Agri-Food Trade Networks
In the Islamic Countries
Table 20: Top 10 Agricultural Import Sources with Top 10 Import Items: 2005-2015
Top 10 import products
Cotton [263], Palm oil and its fractions [4222], Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211],
Wheat [041], Cane sugar, raw [06111], Vegetables, fresh, chilled or frozen [054], Oil-
seeds and oleaginous fruits [22], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Milk and milk products
other than butter or cheese [022], Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts) [057]
Palm oil and its fractions [4222], Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes [Rest of 4],
Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts) [057], Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits [22], Spices
[075], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211], Cane sugar,
raw [06111], Coconut (copra) oil [4223], Edible products n.e.s. [098]
Cotton [263], Rice [042], Wheat [041], Sugars, sugar preparations and honey [Rest of
06], Vegetables, fresh, chilled or frozen [054], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Edible
products n.e.s. [098], Cane sugar, raw [06111], Milk and milk products other than butter
or cheese [022], Spices [075]
Cane sugar, raw [06111], Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211], Oil-seeds and oleaginous
fruits [22], Cotton [263], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Wheat [041], Sugars, sugar
preparations and honey [Rest of 06], Tobacco and tobacco manufactures [12], Maize
except sweet corn [044], Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts) [057]
Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211], Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits [22], Wheat [041],
Feeding stuff for animals [08], Cane sugar, raw [06111], Milk and milk products other
than butter or cheese [022], Palm oil and its fractions [4222], Cotton [263], Fruit and
nuts (not including oil nuts) [057], Tobacco and tobacco manufactures [12]
Palm oil and its fractions [4222], Cotton [263], Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes
[Rest of 4], Edible products n.e.s. [098], Milk and milk products other than butter or
cheese [022], Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts) [057], Feeding stuff for animals [08],
Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211], Coconut (copra) oil [4223], Crude rubber [23]
Wheat [041], Vegetables, fresh, chilled or frozen [054], Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits
[22], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Cork and wood [24], Cotton [263], Live animal
except fish [00], Crustaceans molluscs etc [037], Edible products n.e.s. [098]
Vegetables, fresh, chilled or frozen [054], Wheat [041], Cotton [263], Milk and milk
products other than butter or cheese [022], Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits [22], Cane
sugar, raw [06111], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Sugars, sugar preparations and
honey [Rest of 06], Edible products n.e.s. [098], Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts)
[057], Tobacco and tobacco manufactures [12]
United States Cotton [263], Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits [22], Wheat [041], Feeding stuff for animals
[08], Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211], Milk and milk products other than butter or
cheese [022], Live animal except fish [00], Vegetables, fresh, chilled or frozen [054],
Maize except sweet corn [044], Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts) [057]
Cotton [263], Milk and milk products other than butter or cheese [022], Silk [261], Fruit
and nuts (not including oil nuts) [057], Cork and wood [24], Tobacco and tobacco
manufactures [12]
Cotton [263], Palmoil and its fractions [4222], Feeding stuff for animals [08], Cane sugar,
raw [06111], Spices [075], Wheat [041], Cork and wood [24], Alcoholic beverages [112],
Soya bean oil and its fractions [4211], Edible products n.e.s. [098]
Source: UN Comtrade retrieved through WITS.