In general, agriculture is the largest water user sector worldwide and it was
followed by industrial and domestic uses. However, industrial uses are higher than
agricultural uses in developed countries. Agriculture has the first place in developing
and less developed countries. Domestic uses have the second place and industrial uses
have the last place in those countries. Allocation of water resources to different sectors
in COMCEC Region countries is similar to world averages. Agriculture is still the
largest water-user sector and it is followed by domestic uses. Industrial uses are at low
levels in COMCEC Member Countries because of their low industrialization levels.
African Group
Regarding the worldwide figures, the water consumption per capita is 26 liters in
industrialized countries, while the value is 184 liters in Latin America and 67 liters in
Africa. Water consumption per capita is above 200 liters in Europe but the value is
around 20 liters in dry sections of Asia and Africa.
Except for Gabon, Gambia, Sierra Leone and Togo, municipal withdrawal in
African Group countries is lower than other sectors. Agricultural withdrawal is higher
than 60% in Cameroon, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mozambique, Niger and Senegal
(Figure 8.1).
Figure 8.1. Distribution of Water Withdrawal of Sectors in African Group
Source: AQUASTAT, 2013