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Risk Management in

Islamic Financial Instruments


central bank is in the midst of developing a new regulatory frameworks for the financial industry

has an agreement with Bank of Tanzania for supervision of banks

information on Islamic banking

or banking system was not reported.


Central Bank of Djibouti is the primary regulator

dual banking system in operation

issued separate

law on the establishment of Islamic banking

has separate law for monitoring various banking risks

maintains the Basel standards for calculating minimum capital requirements


The economy is monitored by the Central Bank of Egypt

both on-site and off-site supervision systems

are present

separate Basel II implementation unit

long history of Islamic banking

dual banking


expect to see Islamic capital market activity soon.


Central Bank of Iraq maintain the regulatory atmosphere

dual banking system

long history of

banking but abrupt political condition has been the major challenge

from 2003-04, banks follow

international standards on minimum capital requirement.


The National Bank of Kazakhstan is the Central Bank

dual banking available with only one Islamic


no separate Islamic banking act or law

follows Basel for risk supervision and prudential


expects to see the country as the Islamic finance hub of Central Asia.


Banque Du Liban or Bank of Lebanon is the Central Bank of Lebanon

freely floating exchange rate

banking secrecy act is active

established free banking zone

dual banking system

separate law on

Islamic banking operation (from 2004)

implementing Basel II capital adequacy accord


The Central Bank of Libya is the center of financial and monetary authority

dual banking is active but

expects to change it entirely to Islamic banking

recognizes the importance of Basel regulation but has

not yet implemented Basel II


Maldives Monetary Authority is the Central Bank of Maldives

dominated by foreign banks


banking available with only one Islamic bank

Sukuk market is active

separate Islamic banking

regulation act of 2011

implementing Basel II regulations


Bank Al-Maghrib is the Central Bank of Morocco

recognizes Basel II and currently implementing it

expects to see more from Islamic banking in future

presence of separate Islamic law was not found


Bank of Mozambique is the Central Bank

July 2014 saw the introduction of a partnership between

Islamic and conventional banks

policies in place for dual banking

from January 2014; all banks must

implement Basel II.


Central Bank of Nigeria recently announced extension of duration to implement the Pillar 1 of Basel II

dual banking system

no separate law for Islamic banking


Central Bank of Oman established separate regulation for Islamic banking

adhered to Basel III capital

adequacy norms

dual banking system

Islamic window banking

Issuance of Sukuk in near future.


Palestine Monetary Authority controls the financial sector

dual banking

no window banking


specific Islamic banking law

Basel II is at the implementation stage

no Islamic capital market

activity present at this moment


Central Bank of Somalia is the Central Bank

No Islamic windows

no dual banking – only Islamic


no separate Islamic banking law

yet to formulate standards in relation to Basel standards

Central Bank recently change the fee structure to a minimum that is required while chartering a bank

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Monetary Association oversees the fiscal policies and regulates the financial sectors

dual banking system

Islamic banking regulation

Basel III implementation since 2013.

Sources: Compiled from Chapra and Khan (2000) Exhibit 1 and authors’ compilation from Central Bank websites and

National Islamic Finance Regulation.