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Risk Management in

Islamic Financial Instruments


banks under same regulatory authority; securities firms under separate authority

Private banks

Dual banking system

Islamic windows allowed in conventional banks

Consolidated supervision

Basel capital requirements and core principles adopted

International Accounting Standards


CAMELS rating system adopted

Onsite and offsite supervision well defined with clear


Separate Sharī‘ah boards at institutional level in the BNM and Securities Exchange


Islamic money market and liquidity arrangement exists

Ministry of Finance closely

associated with the supervision of Islamic banks


Regulated by the Central Bank of Pakistan (State Bank of Pakistan-SBP)

Securities firms, and

Insurance Companies are regulated by separate regulatory bodies

Major banks in the Public Sector;

bank regulation and supervision effected by government policies

Islamic banking law does not exist

Mudārabah Companies Law exists

Sharī‘ah board concept does not exist

Islamic banks are not

identified distinctly

Basel capital requirements and supervisory standards adopted

Bank merger is

on cards to strengthen capital

Concept of onsite and offsite supervision exists

Major financial

transformation is called for by the Supreme Court of Pakistan to introduce Islamic banking and

financial system; a Financial Services Transformation Committee has been established by the SBP.


Regulated by the Central Bank of Qatar (CBQ)

Dual banking and separate regulatory system


separate Islamic banking law exists

Islamic banks supervised by special directives of CBQ


Sharī’ah boards for banks required

Standardized transparency requirements for Islamic banks exist


Regulated by the Central Bank of Sudan (CBS)

Single (Islamic) system

Islamic banking law in place

Separate Sharī’ah boards for banks required, also the Central Bank has a Sharī‘ah Supervisory Board

Substantial public sector control; supervision and regulation is effected by other government policies

Evolution of financial instruments underway

Compliance with the capital adequacy and supervisory

oversight standards of the Basel Committee not clear

Major bank merger is planned to strengthen

bank capital


Regulated by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme

Kurumu – BDDK

Banks and securities firms regulated by separate bodies

Law about Special Finance

Houses covers Islamic banks

Dual system; no Islamic windows allowed

Basel Committee capital

adequacy requirements and supervisory standards recently introduced

Major financial

transformation underway

Onsite and offsite supervision concepts and methods exist


Regulated by the Central Bank of UAE

Islamic banking law exists

Dual system

Islamic banking

windows allowed

Separate Sharī‘ah boards required

Basel Committee capital adequacy

requirements and supervisory standards in place

International Accounting Standards in place


Regulated by the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY)

Islamic banking law exists

Dual system


banking windows allowed

Separate Sharī‘ah board required

Major policies and standards set by the

CBY are equally applicable to all banks

Separate supervisory office for Islamic banks inside the CBY

under active consideration

Compliance with the Basel standards not clear


Regulated by Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of the country

Dual banking system


banking has recently criticized but still available

moving towards Basel II full implementation, and

running Basel III quantitative impact studies

separate divisions in central bank to monitor Islamic

banking activities, but now separate law for Islamic banking.



Authority Monetary Brunei Darussalam monitors the monetary issues in Brunei

currency is pegged

to Singaporean Dollar

separate control authority under AMBD for insurance capital market and


both on-site and off-site supervision available using risk-based approach

will be

implementing Basel II fully shortly

IOSCO standards were also followed

dual banking system is

currently at operation.


Central Bank of Comoros monitors the regulatory issues

follows Basel banking supervision standards