Forced Migration in the OIC Member Countries:
Policy Framework Adopted by Host Countries
To further the implementation of the 1951 Convention and ensure that its principles are
upheld, many states have joined regional initiatives aimed at addressing issues of protection.
These initiatives vary in form - ranging from the legally binding 1969 Organization of African
Unity (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, which
expanded the definition of “refugee” and reaffirmed the Africa’s commitment to implementing
the 1951 Convention, to regional consultative processes, such as the Almaty Process, which
aim to address issues of forced migration through intergovernmental collaboration. Though
some have proven to be more effective than others, these initiatives can play important roles
in developing and implementing a regional approach to humanitarian protection.
The following sections explore forced migration trends and protection frameworks in several
key regions with a high proportion of OIC member countries, including the Middle East, Africa,
and South Asia.
Forced Migration in the Middle East
In the Middle East, large-scale and intense conflicts have produced mass forced migration.
Many countries in the region have provided care and protection for large refugee populations,
upholding the principle of nonrefoulement even though most are not signatories to the 1951
Convention. Even as the region’s response to these conflicts and protracted situations has
evolved, most countries have not developed national asylum regimes, and regional
cooperation to address protection needs has been limited. As a result, different populations
have received differing treatments and rights depending on when they were displaced and
from where, creating even greater predicaments for some who have been displaced multiple
times and in different countries.
This report considers the Middle East region to include the following OIC member states: Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.