Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
Table 3.7 shows that, most of the participants (82% of teachers and 90.5% of administrators)
agreed that there is a lack of link between skill development and industry, and it has high mean
values (X for T =4.05 and X for A = 4.33) which are higher than 3.5. Therefore, the statement is
accepted. A similar nature is found in item 2, for instance, most of the participants (80.9% of
teachers and 85.7% of administrators) agreed that outdated skill trainings are not compatible
(matching) with the current needs of the labor market. Like the previous statement, the mean
values, X for T =4.11 and X for A = 4.00, contain quite high values (higher than 3.5). Rest of the
items (3, 4, and 5) were constructed only for administrators. In the third statement, 66.6% of
total administrators agreed that many industries have provided on the job training to enhance
skills whereas the rest of the administrators 33.4%did not agree with the statement. However,
it carries a highmean value (X for A =4.52), which is higher than 3.5. It implies the statement is
accepted. In a negative item (4), more than half of the participants (57.1%) did not agree that
the graduates are not competent to meet industrial requirement whereas 38.1%administrators
agreed on this statement. In this case the mean value is low (X for A =2.81). Therefore, the
statement is not accepted. In the next negative item (5), similarly, more than half of the
participants (57.1%) did not agree with the statement whereas 42.9%of administrators agreed.
In this case the mean value is low (X for A =2.86). Hence, the statement is not accepted. On the
other hand, items 6 and 7 were constructed only for teachers in TVET sectors. In item 6 and 7,
more than half of the teachers (59.7%) agreed that industries provide feedback to TVET
institutions and that graduates are unable to meet the current industrial requirement whereas
27.2%disagreedwith this statement. Themean value is average (X for T =3.43) which is slightly
less than 3.5. The statement is not accepted. In the last item, most of the teachers (77.3%) agreed
with the statement. Themean value is almost highvalue (X for T=3.86). Therefore, the statement
is accepted.
Figure 3.6: TVET and Industries linkage and existing gap
0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 5,00
Lack of link between skill development & industry
Outdated skill training
Industries provide on job training to enhance
Graduates are not competent to meet industrial
No relationship between no of TVET graduates
and the skilled workers needed in the industries
Feedback from Industries
Industrial attachments (internship)
TVET and Industries linkage and Existing Gap
X (Admin)
X (Teachers)