Skills Development: Vocational Education
in the Islamic Countries
Level 8
Graduate Certificate/Diploma
is to qualify individuals who apply a
body of knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake professional or highly skilled
work and as a pathway for further learning.
Core Competence:
It must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to
demonstrate the learning outcomes expressed as knowledge, skills and the
application of knowledge and skills specified in the level 8 criteria and the Graduate
Certificate/Diploma descriptor.
Level 9
The Masters Degree is to qualify individuals who apply an advanced body
of knowledge in a range of contexts,
Research degree:
for research and scholarship);
Coursework degree:
for professional practice or scholarship; (
Extended degree:
professional practice), and as a pathway for further learning.
Core Competence:
It must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to
demonstrate the learning outcomes specified in the level 9 criteria and either the
Masters Degree (Research) descriptor, the Masters Degree (Coursework)
descriptor or the Masters Degree (Extended) descriptor.
Level 10
The Doctoral Degree is to qualify individuals who apply a substantial
body of knowledge to research, investigate and develop new knowledge, in one or
more fields of investigation, scholarship or professional practice.
Core Competence:
It must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to
demonstrate the learning outcomes specified in the level 10 criteria and the
Doctoral Degree (both research and professional doctoral degree make a
significant and original contribution to knowledge).
*Source: 6.2: Australian Qualification Framework (AQF)
Source: Framework, 2013