interpreter was used. A number of interviews were conducted however online using a pre-
defined list of questions.
Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Each case study follows the same structure. They start by discussing the country context,
structure of the education system, and major reforms. This also includes brief paragraphs
explaining the broad nature of the challenges faced by the country’s education sector in the
context of the SDGs 4 targets. This is followed by an analysis of the data on levels and trends of
learning outcomes before turning to the multivariate analysis of the links between children’s
learning outcomes and child, family, school specific factors. Results of the regression analysis
are discussed in the light of key findings of the review of secondary literature. This is followed
by a discussion of the findings based on the stakeholders’ interviews. Lastly, for all countries,
multivariate analysis is performed using data for only one year. In case of Pakistan, however,
multiple rounds of ASER data (2010-2016) is also exploited to document trends in education
quality as well as regional disparities (e.g. rural-urban and across-province spatial inequality).