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Education of Disadvantaged Children in OIC:

The Key to Escape from Poverty


performance/track of teachers are not clear. Teachers’ career promotions do not necessarily link

to performance. It is also unclear who has hiring and firing powers as, during the devolution

transition, many staff members of districts are not aware of their own terms of reference, and the

other of members of national and provincial assemblies are undefined



Punjab is considered to be the leading province in education related reforms


and teacher

rationalisation has been a goal of successive provincial governments in Punjab. The results were

not positive as the number of filled posts did not match sanctioned posts in any district in 2012.

In fact, the difference between filled and sanctioned posts was several thousand in some cases,

such as Faisalabad


. As a consequence, there are large numbers of single-teacher public schools

in Punjab which offer multi-grade teaching. The latter is very challenging and teachers may not

receive the necessary training and skills leading the quality of education provided to be seriously


Weak government supervision and coordination over private schools:

An important role and a large supply of private schools.

Private sector schools play an important

role in education in Pakistan as low-fee private schools have flourished to fill in for shortages in

the supply of public schools. Students in private schools tend to perform better than students in

public schools (ASER 2015) and as such, private schools are generally considered to offer higher

quality education. The “English medium” makes them an attractive educational offer (even though

in reality these claims may not be fulfilled) for families who believe that it will open more jobs

opportunities upon graduation. One of the reasons of improved performance of students in low-

cost private schools over public school students is that teachers in the private sector can be (and

are) fired, unlike the public sector teachers. As such, the low-cost private school teachers are

incentivised to produce better results and provide higher teaching efforts even though they are

generally less educated and paid significantly less than public school teachers.

In Pakistan, for the year 2015-2016, 14% of all primary schools were in the private sector (with

86% of schools in the public sector)


. However, the share of enrolment by the private sector is

higher and stands at 39% of all enrolment at the primary level.


Alif Ailaan (2014)


UNDP Pakistan “Education Governance Conundrum”



UNDP Pakistan “Education Governance Conundrum”


AEPAM (2017)