Improving Road Safety
in the OIC Member States
Road Safety Pillar
Safer road users
Set the safety standards and rules and continuing compliance
requirements that will ensure the safety of the individual concerned but
also that of fellow road users
Develop standards for driver licensing, testing and appraisal
Driver offences monitoring
Develop and implement educational programmes for school children
Develop strategies to improve safety of vulnerable road users
Post-crash response
Review the capabilities and capacity of trauma response units
Establish key performance data and set targets
Develop monitoring systems
Implement regional pilot projects
Develop strategies to improve capacity and resource allocation for
trauma response and management
Road safety data
Establish central computerised transport and driver licensing registries
to manage data on the number of vehicles and drivers on the road which
are easily accessible for enforcement agencies
Establish a reliable crash reporting and recording system
Develop programmes to obtain supplementary data for road safety
management (traffic volumes; speeds; etc.)
For the OIC member countries that are in the
growth phase
recommended actions are presented
n Table 30.Table 30: Policy measures for OIC member countries in the growth phase
Road Safety Pillar
Road safety
Foster relationships to maintain political support for road safety
Development of medium to high quality management information system
Coordination central levels
Adopting short to medium term road safety targets
Analysing what can be achieve in the medium term
Develop and maintain specific delivery partnerships between
government, NGO, community and business at the central, regional and
local levels
Safer roads and
Implements large scale remedial road improvement projects
Implements strategic road network development plans
Implements large scale improvement projects for vulnerable road users
Adopts an integrated approach to road infrastructure planning and
Adopts a Safe Systems Approach to road design