Risk Management in Transport PPP Projects
In the Islamic Countries
at facilitating credit availability and project bankability, thus optimizing the financial cost
and implementation of PPPs.
Institutional and organizational measures
: a PPP unit is already established within the
Presidency of Strategy and Budget (PSB), whose role could be strengthened for central
supervision and monitoring activities of PPPs implementation in the framework of the
ongoing strengthening institutional structure. This restructuring should also identify PPP
units/departments in the main institutions involved in the planning, development,
implementation and monitoring of PPP projects in the transport sector in Turkey.
Attention should be given to the criteria adopted for the identification of the PPP units.
Ideally and generally they should relate to sector/mode competences or responsibility for
state budget accountability management and control.
Technical measures:
planning and project preparation processes and procedures should
be strengthened within the procuring institutions involved in the development of
transport network infrastructure, such as roads, aimed at developing a stable program
transport infrastructure investments and coherent feasibility studies. To this purpose the
hiring of external consultants for auditing procedures of the feasibility studies and
sensitivity tests by the procuring authority or by the Presidency of Strategy and Budget
(PSB) could be also considered.
Legislative measures:
the PPP Framework Law recently drafted under responsibility of
the Presidency of Strategy and Budget and currently under discussion, should be finalized
aimed at simplifying the existing legislation and supporting the reorganization of the
existing PPPs institutional setting.
Procedural measures:
for the appropriate management of PPP risks towards the
successful implementation of transport investments, risk management guidelines and
checklists should be considered for adoption. Further to the identification of the main risks
applicable to the PPPs, over the course of the different stages of project life-cycle, the
entities responsible for their assessment and monitoring should be indicated, together
with the frequency of the reporting activities. Standard templates for data collection and
information gathering purposes should be used by line institutions.
Statistics and surveys:
due consideration should be given to institutional transparency,
particularly concerning the collection and publication of information and data on the
management of contingent liabilities and fiscal risks. For example, the existing practices
by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance concerning the PPPs involving state debt
assumption could be extended to all PPPs. Such reporting may be elaborated by the
Presidency of Strategy and Budget for the PPP system as a whole also performing analysis
for the simulation of the burden of PPPs on the state budget in consideration of adverse
economic conditions.
Capacity-building measures:
identify training needs of the personnel involved in the
planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the PPPs, valorizing the
experience gained by the existing PPP teams. Training could take the form of workshops