Risk Management in Transport PPP Projects
In the Islamic Countries
bids will be evaluated as well as the method used to assess bids and the main terms and
conditions of the contract.
The legal framework provides that a quota (or mandatory percentage) of procurement contracts
must be awarded to domestic firms. Foreign companies are allowed to participate to the bidding
process only for procurements above a certain threshold or for certain contracts. Moreover, a
foreign company is mandated to have a local subsidiary to be eligible to bid. Further, a locally
incorporated foreign company may not submit bids for tenders relating to construction work
below the value of RM 30 million (around USD 7.3 million) nor bid for tenders open only to
Bumiputera companies (company owned by Bumiputera, indigenous people from Malaysia).
There may also be a restriction to bid for tenders pertaining to national defense, hazardous
waste disposal, and security services etc. However, this depends on sector specific regulations
and policies which may have local equity requirements.
The bidder is required to submit proposal within 30 calendar days.
In Malaysia there are
various procurement procedures
available for PPPs, such as:
Open procedure (single stage tendering);
Restricted procedure (competitive procedure with prequalification stage);
Competitive Dialogue and/or multi-stage tendering.
The PPP guidelines provide that all PPP proposals should be submitted directly to the relevant
ministries or agencies. The same holds in the special case of unsolicited proposal. The document
also mentions typical information required for submission of PPP proposals. They generally
entail the justification for the proposal, the business and financial plans, the evidence of financial
stability and capability, the results of the
feasibility studies
socio-economic Cost-
Benefit Analysis
although it is rarely done in practice
), the
indication of the PPP modality
preferred option
including the provision of a
riskmatrix and a systemof riskmanagement
and allocation
between public and private entity, and a proposed payment mechanism.
The PPP guidelines provide also minimum criteria that need to be met by proposals, such as:
Output specification should be clearly identified and quantified;
Economic life of the asset or service should be at least 20 years;
Projects with technological obsolescence risk (technology used will be superseded in short
term) will not be considered;
Project sponsor must be financially strong with a paid-up capital of the special purpose
vehicle (SPV) to be at least 10% of the project value.
Source: World Bank database (2018) on procuring infrastructure PPPs in Malaysia
The decision about which of the different PPP models will be used to implement a transport project is taken
on a case by case basis. However, evidence collected during the interviews shows that BOT and operation and
maintenance schemes are the most commonly used in Malaysian transport PPPs.