Governance of Transport Corridors in OIC Member States:
Challenges, Cases and Policy Lessons
in the integration stage, the corridor management has significant power over the
participants to develop the corridor. Each governance domain reached maturity and the main
objective for the corridor management now is to ensure the actuality and effectiveness the actions
undertaken for of each governance domain. In this stage, TEN-T erected an additional governance
institution by appointing a corridor coordinator to nine priority routes along the whole network.
Recommendations for the seven governance domains per governance level can be presented in for
each of the four corridor levels, showing that specific recommendations depend on the governance
level and objectives of the corridor. It is recommended to make use of good practices and lessons
learned from existing corridors, as presented above, when moving along the governance framework.
For example, currently the MoU of SEETO is used as a best practice for developing a MoU for the
UNESCAP corridors. TEN-T, being the world’s most advanced corridor, provides a strong basis for best