Destination Development and
Institutionalization Strategies
In the OIC Member Countries
Executive Summary
Study Objective and Methodology:
The objective of this study is to enable tourism stakeholders to
identify characteristics of potential destinations and destination development strategies, to present
destination governance structures and institutionalization strategies, to explore stakeholder
responsibilities with regards to destination development, to explore destination product development
processes and to provide policy recommendations for effective destination development strategies for the
OIC member countries.
The study combined primary and secondary research tools and sources to fulfill its objective. The
secondary sources used include previous market studies, trade and sector reports, academic articles and
research papers, government, international organizations and press publications. The primary research
tools comprised of in-depth interviews, online structured interviews and eight case studies.
Twenty-seven in-depth interviews were conducted in person and by telephone with respondents from
destination management organizations and other tourism stakeholders to provide insights into best
practices in areas of product development and destination management.
Furthermore, thirty one structured interviews were conducted online in December 2017 to get tourism
stakeholders’ feedback regarding destination management practices in their destinations, and eight
country case studies to provide insights into destination development and management strategies.
Report Key Findings
(1) DMOs play a critical role in implementing a country’s tourism strategy
Tourism plays an important economic role, directly adding $2.3 trillion to global GDP in 2016, and
indirectly contributing a further $7.6 trillion in GDP to the global economy, and account for 109 million
jobs, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council Report on “Travel and Tourism: Global Economic
Impact and Issues 2017”. Most countries in the world have a ministry that is responsible for overseeing
the sector and its development.
However, in the 57 OIC-Member states, there is substantial potential to improve tourism and enhance
economic growth. This report has found that a destination, rather than national-level focus, has yielded
benefits for many countries. Destinations are by definition, specific geographic areas within their countries
and naturally vary substantially by the experience they offer, with six broad categories identified in this
report, and their respective stage of development, ranging from early identification through to more
advanced stages of consolidation, and possible decline/ rejuvenation.