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Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT):

Understanding the Supply and Demand Sides

In the OIC Member Countries


options at a destination is “very important”

when choosing a holiday destination. Muslim






experiences and destinations, coupled with

increased awareness of faith-based needs, is

now driving the global demand for Muslim

friendly tourism products and services.

Terminology, Segmentation and

Conceptual Framework of MFT

As the growth of the Muslim travel market is






terminology and definitions have been used

to refer to this market segment by academics,

media and other organizations. A review of

the different terminology that has been used,

as well as the recommended usage of terms

based on the study analysis, is discussed in Chapter 1. In this study, the terms “Muslim Friendly

Tourism” (MFT) and “Halal Tourism” will be used to refer to the same definition as described


The global Muslim travel market is not homogeneous. As such, a segmentation based on needs

as well as a framework to develop Muslim traveler profiles/personas is presented in Chapter 1.

The resultant “Conceptual Framework for MFT” (CFM) serves to facilitate execution of strategy

by OIC member states to develop this segment. The CFM is based on the following 3 main

components as shown below in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework for MFT Overview

Source: CrescentRating (2015)

Objective of the Study and Methodology

MFT offers a huge opportunity for OIC member states; to increase both intra-OIC travel as well

as inbound travel from non-OIC markets. This study examines the current status regarding the

demand and supply side of MFT in the member states and provides a framework and

recommendations for developing MFT in the OIC member states. Both primary and secondary


Muslim Friendly Tourism

Or Halal Tourism

“Muslim travelers who do not wish to

compromise their basic faith-based needs

while traveling for a purpose, which is


or it can also be defined as

“Halal conscious travelers, traveling for

any purpose, which is Halal (permissible)”