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Risk & Crisis Management in Tourism Sector:

Recovery from Crisis

in the OIC Member Countries


Raqiqi-al S. (2013) What Tunisia's phosphate crisis says about its state of affairs: Al-Munitor,

29 May; (document translated from Arabic by Steffi Chakti)

Reuters (2017) Tunisia sees 30 percent tourism growth in 2017, 21 March

Trading Economics: Tunisia Tourism Arrivals,

Grierson, J. (2017) Tunisia Attack: how a man with a parasol could murder 38 people on the

beach, The Guardian, 28 February

Tunisia’s Tourism Strategy 2016


Tunisia 2020 projets-en-anglais.pdf

Oxford Busıness Group (2017) The Report: Tunisia 2016. Oxford: Oxford Business Group

UNWTO (2010) Tourism Highlights: 2010 Edition. Madrid: UNWTO

UNWTO (2012) Tourism Highlights: 2012Edition. Madrid: UNWTO

UNWTO (2015) Tourism highlights: 2015 edition. Madrid: UNWTO

UNWTO (2016) Tourism Highlights: 2016 Edition. Madrid: UNWTO

Wismayer, H. (2016) Tunisia keen to show tourists that it’s safe to return, The Guardian, 18 June

World Tourism and Travel country report (WTTC), 2017 Tunisia,Tunisia pp.24

Zguric, B. (2012) Challenges for democracy in countries affected by the ‘Arab Spring’, Islam and

Christian-Muslim relations, 23(4), pp. 417-434


Ms Nabiha Boussetta, Director of Studies, Ministry of Tourism and Handicraft, Tunisia, pers.

comm., Tunis, 24th April 2017

Ms Zeinab Zouaoui, Director of Health Tourism andWellness Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and

Handicraft , Tunisia, pers. comm., Tunis, 25 April 2017

Gambia Case Study References

Bah, A. and Goodwin, H. (2003) Improving Access for the Informal Sector to Tourism in The