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Community Based Tourism

Finding the Euilibrium in the COMCEC Context


Figure 3. An Example of CBT Destination SWOT Analysis

2.2.6. Policy Framework Analysis

Besides administrative, legal, and policy frameworks, an assessment of existing programs,

standards and certificates is needed for delineating the clear road CBT development. Legal

and political obstacles can hinder effective CBT applications. Even though local

participation in decision making of tourism development is essential for a successful CBT,


• traditional clothing

• cleanliness as part of culture

• interesting cuisine

• tolerance to others with different cultures

• genuine hospitality and friendly attitude

• collectivist culture

• social humility

• serving as part of the culture

• embracing guests

• negative attitude towards greed

• social cohesion

• social equity


• distance to mainstream tourism and hubs

• lack of local finances

• learned helplessness

• negative perception about tourism/tourists

• serving perceived as a low level job

• lack of business orientation

• lack of individual capacity

• lack of institutional capacity

• strict visa requirements

• resistance to development and new ideas

•norms about gender roles- restrictions on women

being active

Cultivating strengths to harness


Eliminating weaknesses to avoid threats


• favorable position on international exchange


• consumer demand on culture products

• international trends in sustainability

• positive media coverage

• increasing financial assistance for CBT from

international organizations


• rival country competition

• safety and security issues

• economic downturn in consumer markets

• agressive competitor tactics (e.g. distorting


• negative image due to human caused


•rival projects for the same funding sources